Kewaskum DOT CDL Exams, Kewaskum DOT Physicals, DOT Physical 53040, Fed Med card, West Bend Fed Med Card, West Bend CDL Exam, West Bend CDL Physical, Campbellsport Fed Med Card, Campbellsport DOT Exam, Campbellsport CDL Exam, Campbellsport CDL Physical, 53090, 53095, 53010, 53040
CDL Exams $100 (includes urinalysis)
Tired of being treated like just another number at your DOT exam?
Do you feel like your Medical Examiner doesn't care about your Trucking lifestyle?
Next time you need your Fed Med card renewed, give us a try!
We are Driver-Friendly and we work with you to keep you on the road or to get you back on the road quickly.
So, why waste your time and money with those big chain medical clinics who treat you like a number instead of a person trying to keep food on the table.
Driver-Friendly Service
Same-Day Appointments Available
Call Us Now (262) 477-1040
Serving Wisconsin local areas: Kewaskum, West Bend, Campbellsport, Allenton, Slinger, Jackson, Eden, Hartford, Newberg, Fond du Lac, Fredonia, Random Lake, Mayville, Lomira, Horicon.
DOT Exam West Bend, DOT Exam Jackson, DOT Exam Campbellsport, DOT Exam Washington County, DOT Exam Fond du Lac
Please read the information below to ensure you are prepared for your exam.
DOT CDL Physical Requirements
Passing the CDL DOT physical will require:
You must have at least 20/40 correctable vision in each eye as well as both combined. Vision correction devices such as glasses or contacts are permitted.
***If you cannot meet this requirement, you must have THIS FORM filled out by your eye doctor PRIOR to your DOT exam. Your DOT exam cannot be completed without this form!
Must be able to distinguish colors found on traffic signals; Red, Amber, and Green.
Must be able to perceive a forced whisper from a distance of at least 5 feet in at least one ear.
Maximum allowable blood pressure is 159/99. Use of prescription medication to achieve this threshold is allowed. However, this reading will allow you a one-time certification of 1 year, after which, you must be under 140/90. If you already have a diagnosis of High Blood Pressure, this doesn't apply, as you must be under 140/90 for your exam. High blood pressure puts you at significantly higher risk of a sudden incapacitating event.
An applicant can have diabetes which is controlled through diet and/or medication. Effective 11/19/2018, Diabetes which is controlled though insulin injections MAY BE permitted if THIS FORM is properly filled out by your treating clinician. Your diabetes must be on a stable treatment regimen and your insulin must be properly controlled according to your treating clinician. Bring this form with you to your CDL exam.
If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes, you must bring your most recent lab results. If you do not bring in your most recent A1c or it is out of date, an Hb-A1c can be performed in our office for a $50 fee.
Use of schedule 1 drugs is disallowed.
DOT Physical Exam: Things to Plan in Advance:
If you have a medical condition, you’re going to need some paperwork:
Diabetic Condition – We will need to know which medications you are taking. Diabetic truckers need to bring in a copy of your most recent hemoglobin A1c. If you do not bring your most recent A1c or you haven't had one performed recently, we can do an A1c in the office for a $50 fee.
*****If you take INSULIN, THIS FORM must be filled out and signed by your treating provider BEFORE your exam*****
High Blood Pressure – We will need to know your medications.
Heart Condition – If you’ve had a heart attack or cardiovascular disease, we will need to obtain medical clearance from your cardiologist.
Sleep Apnea – Bring a printout of your CPAP report showing the past 30 days of compliance. Your CPAP machine can provide this information. Newer machines have a phone app that has this information as well. Contact your CPAP vendor for help.
Medications – List ALL the prescription medicines you take, including strength and dosage. If you regularly take over-the counter medications, such as antacids or allergy pills, list them, too.
Contact information – Have names and phone numbers of your doctors in case you need to call and have them fax missing information.
DOT Physical Exam: Things To Do to Manage Your Blood Pressure:
Since high blood pressure significantly increases the possibility of a sudden incapacitating event, once you are diagnosed, you may receive a maximum re-certification of 1 year.
[CDL Drivers]
- We have convenient same-day or next-day appointments
- Our office is safe. Sick people DON'T come here.
- We offer Driver-Friendly Service. We won't treat you like just another number like the big chain clinics.
Each of the following factors may affect your blood pressure reading a number of points:
🔹Nicotine/Caffeine. Nicotine and caffeine both raise your blood pressure temporarily. It’s best to refrain from smoking, chew, coffee, tea, sodas, and energy drinks a few hours before the examination. Replace caffeinated drinks with water to stay hydrated.
🔹Tired. Tired, weary, stressed? Your blood pressure is likely to go up. Get rested before the examination and leave plenty of time to get to your appointment. Get to your appointment early so you have time to sit and relax.
🔹Temperature. Blood pressure tends to increase when you are cold. If you’re at the doctor’s office and the room temperature is “chilly” to you, be aware that your blood pressure readings may be higher than expected. Dress to stay warm.
🔹Glass of water. Drink a full glass of water before you get to your appointment. This will help calm your body as well as prepare you to give a urine sample.
🔹Full Bladder. Your blood pressure is lower when your bladder is empty. We always perform the urine test prior to the physical exam.
🔹Emotional State. Stress or anxiety can cause large increases in blood pressure. If you are thinking about something that causes you to tense up or become stressed while having your blood pressure taken, the levels could significantly increase. While your blood pressure is being taken, be quiet and think about something far away that makes you feel happy and relaxed.
🔹Talking. If you are talking to the examiner while having your blood pressure taken, studies have shown that your systolic blood pressure measurement may increase 10 to 15mmHg. Be comfortable talking beforehand, especially if you’re chatting about something that makes you feel happy or relaxed, like a sport or hobby, or a vacation. Then be quiet during the blood pressure reading.
🔹Restricted Breathing. Holding your breath because you are nervous will raise your blood pressure. Breathe slowly and deeply like the doctor tells you to when listening to your heart with a stethoscope. Breathing slowly and evenly will help your body to relax.
🔹Arm/Back/Feet Unsupported. When having your blood pressure measured, you should always be seated in a comfortable chair, legs uncrossed, with your back and arm supported. If your back is not supported, your diastolic blood pressure measurement may be increased by 6 mmHg.
🔹Crossing your legs has shown to raise your systolic blood pressure by 2 to 8 mmHg. The positioning of your upper arm below your heart level will also result in higher measurements, whereas positioning your upper arm above your heart level will give you lower measurements. These differences can increase/decrease your systolic blood pressure 2mmHg for every inch above/below your heart level.
🔹Blood Pressure Cuff Used Over Clothing. Studies have shown that clothing can impact a systolic blood pressure from 10 to 50 mmHg. When having your blood pressure measured, the cuff should always be placed directly on your arm.
Make sure you don’t run out of your prescribed blood-pressure medication.
Remember to take your medication on schedule. If you forget, most doctors recommend taking your medication as soon as possible.
If you’re significantly late taking your medication, tell the doctor conducting the DOT physical you forgot to take your regular medication. If your blood pressure is too high, ask to have it rechecked later that day – or even the following day.
Invest in a blood pressure cuff- you would not drive with out gauges working in your truck. A blood pressure cuff is a gauge for your body.
For the long term; weight-loss, healthy diet, and exercise can help to normalize your blood pressure significantly.
If you can manage your blood pressure via a healthy diet, exercise, and maintaining a healthy body weight and no longer require hypertensive medication, it is possible to be re-certified for the 2-year maximum. However, you will need clearance from your prescribing physician.
The Day of the DOT Physical Exam:
If applicable, remember to bring the medical records you’ve prepared in advance, including your list of medications.
If you have sleep apnea, please remember to bring a copy of your latest CPAP data from the past 30 days. If you don't know how to access this data, contact your CPAP vendor.
Remember to bring your eye glasses (it’s surprising how many people forget this).
Drink water. You’ll need to provide a urine sample. The Urine Sample is for a Kidney screen... it is not for a drug test.
Still have questions? Click HERE to Check out an In-Depth FAQ.

Kewaskum DOT CDL Physicals • Ogi Chiropractic • 1040 Fond du Lac Ave • Kewaskum, WI 53040